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One Of Luke Caisley's Top 10 Dive Experiences

Diving MandyZ COMMENTS 19 May, 2020

One of my top 10 dive experiences. #scubaversitydiveclub.
It was June 2018, water was icy cold because Sardine Run was happening. Activity everywhere and beautiful flat calm waters in Aliwal Shoal. The launch was filled with whales, dolphins, and bait balls, filled with birds diving into the water to gorge themselves.
We dropped in the water at Cathedral dive site and the water was a perfect blue, with about 30m Viz. I went to the bottom, sat there with about 25 sharks for about 10 minutes.
That wasn't the best part.
Then ascended slowly and encountered a Bull Shark, Hammerheads, and a Manta Ray.
That still wasn't the best part.
We slowly made our way towards Raggies cave over the shallower part of the reef at about 15m.
Then the best thing happened in my dive experience. Not only the sighting but the fact that I had my brand new GoPro with me and recorded the attached. What a breathtaking experience that I will never forget. in fact, if you turn the volume up you will hear me screaming like a little girl underwater.

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