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Scuba Diving In A Time Of A Global Pandemic

Diving MandyZ COMMENTS 22 May, 2020

May 2020 | By Roxanné Mower

“Scuba diving in a time of a global pandemic”…. What does that even mean? For most of us recreational scuba divers, there seems to be very little that we can do, especially since most countries, like South Africa, went into a period of Lockdown, where we all had to stay at home.  I know of numerous people who have been coming up with some very inventive ways to keep from going into scuba diving withdrawal and it seems like this lockdown period is never going to end.

Some people chose to don their scuba gear to go to the store during the lockdown period to do their essential items shopping, and I am sure that you have seen a few of these memes doing their rounds on the internet and social media.  This could serve 2 purposes: 1. Full body protection from contracting any viruses and 2. Fighting some of the possible withdrawal symptoms, associated with not being able to go out and do some diving while in lockdown.

 Those fortunate enough to have a swimming pool at home have done some fun skin diving and for those of us with just a bathtub or shower have had to settle for climbing into our gear in the bathroom, just to remember a little of what it felt like to get wet in our wetsuits.

For those of us that would still like to keep up with our different diving specialties, do not fear, we can still study the theory online, and for any of the courses we choose to do during this lockdown period that requires dives for the final qualification, those dives can be banked with Scubaversity, and as soon as the lockdown ends, we can go on one heck of a diving trip to finalize those courses.  To find out more about the courses that Scubaversity is offering online click here

We all hope that this lockdown period comes to an end soon, as I am sure that like me, most divers out there are really just wanting to get into the water and go for a proper dive.  Keep an eye on the Scubaversity Facebook page for more info on what Scubaversity is planning to keep us all connected to the diving world and for possible dive trips once the lockdown is finally lifted.


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